The Benefits of Earthing: How Grounding Your Body Can Improve your health

Eearting (AKA Grounding). I have been walking barefoot for years now, and at every opportunity I meet the earth barefoot, without mediation. In addition, I have been running minimalistically and it has allowed me many hours of close contact with the ground.

I did it for all these years because it just felt right. Something about this experience empowered me physically and mentally so clearly that I didn’t have to dig deeper and look for the meaning behind it.

I always find it ironic to exaggerate with words things that just make sense. For example, eating natural food, sleeping well, keeping an active body, and walking barefoot occasionally.

But… back to our topic. Earthing is a fascinating matter, and if what is essential for us is a bit of knowledge, I’d be delighted to help.

Our article presents everything you need to know about earthing. It is covered both scientifically and holistically, as well as theoretically and practically. This should motivate you to take action.

What is earthing?

The most basic definition of earthing (or grounding) refers to the direct, unmediated contact between our bodies and the earth. It can be directly on soil, but also on other organic materials that come into contact with the soil.

Based on scientific theory, we carry a positive electric charge in our bodies due to modern lifestyles and constant exposure to different types of radiation. Direct contact with the earth, which carries a negative electric charge, can balance the body’s electromagnetic field. This is earthing.

What is the problem? An accumulation of positive charges over time may cause a wide range of health problems. According to theory, at least.

Consider this holistically. In the modern world, we are exposed to electric fields on an increasing scale. Technology has brought electric and cellular radiation into our homes and pockets.

Additionally, many of us rarely come into direct contact with soil due to living inside concrete buildings and walking on paved paths.

According to theory, this scenario leads to a permanent electrical imbalance. 

An earthing technique can include different actions or aids that can be used to reconnect with the earth through the body’s electric field.

I use a broader definition of earthing to encompass the variety of benefits it offers.

The health benefits of earthing

The science of earthing is still in its infancy, so only some of its benefits have been proven in research. 

In addition, there are opinions about the effectiveness and reliability of grounding as a therapeutic tool.

However, since I am not a medical expert, I also allow myself to add the benefits we know from the reports of those who have worked and experimented with earthing techniques.

  • Sleep quality improvement
  • Chronic pain reduction
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Enhancing healing processes
  • Blood viscosity is reduced
  • Eliminates free radicals
  • Improved mood
  • Blood flow to the facial skin is improved


What does science have to say about earthing?

Despite the fact that the relevant science is still developing, I will present here some examples of research done in this area.

This study, for instance, shows how earthing can help improve the quality of sleep and reduce anxiety and stress by balancing cortisol levels. In the same study, earthing is shown to promote wound healing, reduce inflammation, and regulate the immune system in conditions of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.

An additional study investigates the potential of earthing to reduce blood viscosity. Blood viscosity plays an essential role in cardiovascular diseases. This preliminary study found that earthing practices are associated with a positive blood count matrix and stated that discovering natural medical interventions without side effects is critical.

Another study shows a connection between grounding and blood flow in the facial area, improving the speed and efficiency of recovery for facial skin tissues.

These two studies (#1 | #2) show the potential of earthing to speed up recovery from injuries or strenuous physical activity, and to reduce pain.

Research in this field has a strong foundation, and it seems that we will soon be able to discover more about earthing through research.

The practice of earthing

Following an understanding of the grounding mechanism, I will present a variety of grounding practices.

Take a walk barefoot or lie down on the ground

The simplest and most convenient way to ground yourself is to go out to the ground near your home and stand or walk with bare feet. You can also add your palms, as each point of contact will contribute to the process.

The experts in the field, Clint Ober, recommend exposing yourself to the earth for at least 30 minutes a day. If you want to do this, you need land. Our homes do not have enough space to support electrical flow.

Take a dip in natural water sources

A relatively easy way to ground yourself is to immerse yourself in natural water sources. Water contains minerals that are excellent for earthing, thanks to their conductivity. Salt water is better for earthing due to its conductivity, but fresh water can also be used.

Gardening work

You can incorporate gardening into your routine if walking and lying on the ground doesn’t work for you (although I highly recommend you try it). If you understand how soil can improve your health, you can grow vegetables and improve your health as well.

Earthing mats and other products

When we touch an earthing surface, we become connected to the earth’s electric charge and free electrons, through the building’s grounding. This solution is suitable for those of you who are unable to walk barefoot in nature. This is sometimes due to lack of access to bare ground.

It can also be of benefit to people with physical disabilities, elderly people, and those who sit in front of screens for long periods of time.

Various solutions are available, such as earthing bed covers or using an earthing mat in the office to place your legs on. No doubt, this is a very effective way to overcome the constraints of a modern lifestyle, which prevent us from experiencing nature’s medicine.

The concept of grounding pairs well with the concept of JOMO

The holistic experience of earthing

The idea of grounding should be viewed not only as something to ease and benefit the physical body but also on a mental level to provide stability, inner strength, balance and peace that in turn support the immune system and overall health.

Our intention and presence have a great deal of meaning when we walk, lie on the ground, or swim in the sea near our home. On a physical-scientific level, this connection is explained as an electrical balance and exchange of electrons. However, the earth has a much broader and deeper energetic dialogue with us. There is both discharge and charging of energy. 

As with yoga and meditation, the practice is more effective when we can stay in the moment and be mindful. The same quality should be used when earthing and in general when outside.

What should you do next?

You can use any of the practices listed here to benefit your well-being. Start simple with what is easiest for you. Remember that it doesn’t take much more than walking barefoot to experience depth and connection.

Do you have any interesting experiences with earthing? I would love to hear about them.

About The Author

Picture of Gilad Peled

Gilad Peled

Hi! I'm Gilad, a passionate writer about Digital Wellness, Holistic Productivity and Biohacking. A proud dad, digital entrepreneur and life-coach. Happy to share the knowledge I picked up along the way.

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